When public schools empower great public school teachers to put their students first, not the education bureaucracy or the local political boss, amazing things happen.
According to striking new data from the Michigan Department of Education and reports filed by the Michigan Education Association (MEA), thousands of Michigan public school teachers each year are taking control of their time, classrooms and finances, and walking away from the partisan politics of their teacher’s union.
That’s great news for our kids. Not only does it mean tens of thousands of teachers freed from the games and demands that so often pull teachers focus from the classroom, it means the MEA will be forced to improve its own performance for teachers in an attempt to stem the outgoing tide.
Either way, public school teachers win.
“The loss of dues-paying members is happening even though the total number of public school employees has risen. There were 340,019 public school employees — not just teachers — in the 2018-19 year. That’s an increase from the 319,567 in 2015-16. However, the MEA has seen its membership drop by 12,134 over that three-year span.”
Associated Press:Legislature Oks restoring vetoed funds
“The legislation would restore $574 million – including $35 million so charter schools get the same funding increase that most traditional K-12 districts received…”
“Fifty-five percent of Michigan’s third-graders are not proficient in reading. The Read by 3rd Grade Law helps to ensure no child falls through the cracks. It is a law designed to help pick up the slack, when students need help, or when they get dealt a poor hand in the classroom year after year. It’s designed to identify and lift up students who’ve been let down, or watched teachers leave the classroom again and again.”